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What is the Council of Trent?
Remember, the Protestant Reformation brought us all of the political liberty that we know of today. There's no such thing as national sovereignty without the Reformation. There's no such thing as private rights without the Reformation. There's no such thing as the Law of Nations, as we know of it today—of Montesquieu and the others, without the Reformation. The Reformation came with the concept that there was no need for the priesthood in order to go Heaven, and that all we need is salvation in Christ as Romans 1:17 states: “the righteous shall live by faith.” When the Reformation came, it completely stripped Rome of its spiritual power. The priests were no longer wanted—because the people were getting the word of God in a Bible, specifically in Holland, England, and Germany. And so, with these great revivals breaking forth, and the Reformation happening, nations were breaking away from the power of the Pope. The Holy Roman Empire was breaking up. Charles V, the Emperor, resigned and became a monk and a gardener. So, the Lord was moving mightily in breaking the power of the Holy Roman Empire, started by Charlemagne and the Pope. The Doctrines Laid Down The Council of Trent consists of 25 Sessions. Those 25 Sessions curse and condemn all the doctrines of the Reformation. It condemns anybody who does not believe that the literal Jesus Christ is in the host [holy communion bread], and that his literal blood is in the wine. This is called “TRANSUBSTANTIATION.” * Anybody who does not believe that [transubstantiation] is an accursed anathema. * Anybody who believes that their salvation is outside the Catholic Church is accursed anathema. * Anybody who believes in justification by grace through faith...anathema, accursed. * Anybody who believes that the Pope is not the vicar of Christ...accursed, anathema. You see, the falsity of all of these doctrines were being exposed as a result of reading the Bible, which produced the Reformation, and so THE JESUITS ACCURSED EVERYTHING THAT THE REFORMERS WERE PREACHING. This is all in Law called the Council of Trent. In the 4th Session, which is probably the most important Session, the Jesuits condemn freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. So, [according to them!] no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience. Scandal and Skulduggery at the Vatican by David Willey 29 June 2013 from The Telegraph Website V ATICAN'S OWN offshore bank has been allowing organized criminals, even terrorists, to launder money with impunity. Can Pope Francis call a halt to the corruption gnawing at the heart of the Catholic Church? "It's like the end of the Berlin Wall," said a high-ranking Vatican official last week after an invisible financial barrier marking the legal separation between the Vatican and Italy was breached for the first time. According to officials at the Bank of Italy, the Institute for Works of Religion—the Vatican's own offshore bank—has, for years been allowing organized criminals, even terrorists, to launder money with impunity. On Friday, Italian tax police arrested a high-ranking Italian prelate, Monsignor [priest] Nunzio Scarano, who until last month, was working as a senior accountant inside the Vatican's financial administration. They also arrested a financial intermediary and an agent from Italy's secret services on charges of conspiring with Mgr Scarano to commit crimes of embezzlement and money laundering. Mgr Scarano is alleged to have masterminded a plot that sounds like an airport novel. He attempted to bring €20million in cash belonging to a wealthy family of ship-owners from a Swiss bank to Rome in a private plane, thereby evading customs and tax controls. Italian prosecutors have had their eye on the Vatican bank for several years but, until now, have had great difficulty in obtaining any information from the Holy See, which has pleaded diplomatic immunity and exemption from normal international banking rules on the grounds that the Institute for Works of Religion, "is not a bank in the normal sense of the word." After the arrest of Mgr Scarano, however, the Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, promised "full collaboration" with Italian justice authorities. This in itself marks a 180-degree turn from the past. Under previous popes, the Vatican has taken refuge behind the Lateran Pacts signed with Italy in 1929 that provide for the complete independence of the Vatican City State and of the institutions of the Holy See under international law. Collaboration with the Bank of Italy, and with Italian justice has hitherto been considered as an attack upon the independence and sovereignty of the Vatican. The American prelate Mgr Paul Marcinkus was in charge of the Vatican bank in the Eighties during the time of its association with dodgy Italian financiers such as Roberto Calvi, the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, who was found hanging [dead] from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982. It is believed that he was a victim of a Mafia hit man taking revenge for funds lost through the bank's collapse. The Vatican was the bank's main shareholder, and Calvi was dubbed "God's banker" due to his close ties with the Holy See. Mgr Marcinkus evaded the serving of court documents by Italian justice authorities by taking refuge inside Vatican City and claiming diplomatic immunity. Mgr Scarano, who comes from Salerno, south of Naples, had a late vocation to the priesthood. He was employed by a big Italian commercial bank before taking Holy Orders, and was nicknamed "Monsignor 500" inside the Vatican, thanks to his habit of flashing his wallet to show colleagues that he only carried €500 banknotes... Only two days prior to the Monsignor being hand-cuffed and taken away, the Pope announced the creation of an internal commission of inquiry into the running of the bank, set up in 1943 to hold the funds of cardinals, bishops, priests, Catholic charities, and religious orders from around the world. The five-member commission includes a Harvard law professor, and only one Italian—CARDINAL RENATO FARINA, THE FORMER HEAD OF THE VATICAN LIBRARY AND SECRET ARCHIVE... In 2010, former Pope Benedict set up a Financial Information Authority to monitor all the Vatican's international transactions and to ensure that international rules relating to money laundering and the financing of terrorism were being respected. Last week, Patrizio Poggio, a former Catholic priest, claimed that he had evidence of misconduct by a group of ROMAN PRIESTS WITH YOUNG ROMANIAN MALE PROSTITUTES, informing the police that he had "grave information harming the integrity of the Church" and giving them a list of alleged clients...all Roman clerics. Poggio claimed that they had used the services of the prostitutes, who frequented a club near Rome's main railway terminal. He alleges that a former policeman took the male escorts in a van marked "Medical emergency - blood transport" to an abandoned chapel in the suburbs, where they met with some of the clerics. The priest, who served five years in jail for sexual crimes committed 15 years ago, was arrested on Friday on charges of criminal defamation. BUT THE PRESENCE WITHIN THE VATICAN HIERARCHY OF GAY PRELATES IS AN OPEN SECRET IN ROME. From time to time, stories emerge in the local media alleging affairs between monsignori and young men...During discussions among cardinal electors that preceded the conclave at which he was chosen to succeed Pope Benedict, time and time again the cloud of scandal that has been swirling around the Vatican bank comes up... |
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